Application for Independent Contractor
If the current address less than 7 years.
Commercial Driver's License
Driving/ Hauling Experience
Additional Licenses
List ALL additional licenses held in the past 5 years and ALL unexpired commercial motor vehicle operator's licenses or permits. (Click on the Plus sign to add additional Licenses.) DO NOT enter current license information in this section.
Accident Review For Past 5 Years
Last Accident
Last Accident
Last Accident
Last Accident
Last Accident
DOT requires you to provide 10-years of employment history! Show all periods of unemployment and explain reasons for leaving each job. Begin with your present employer and work backwards down the page. Be sure to account for each month of your work experience and explain all periods of unemployment along with dates of unemployment. PLEASE ADD THE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT DRIVEN at each Company - (Tractor Trailer - Straight Truck, etc. )
This certifies that this application was completed by me and that all entries and the information herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Once you complete your application and are ready to submit it, please click "Send". You will not be able to make any further edits once you click send.